Photoshop Theme Nature Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Theme Nature
Design a Sleek Nature Themed Phone Advert Photoshop,47 Images, 1605 words
Open up a new document (600X700px) and create a new layer called 'brown background'. Select your entire canvas (option+a) and fill it with 2B1104 (dark brown). Select black as your foreground color and white as your background color. Then create a ne..

Creating a Natural Disaster-Themed Vintage Car Ad : 123RF Tutorial Photoshop,32 Images, 654 words
Create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) and rename it 'Hole'. Make a selection similar to as shown. Transform it to match the perspective of the road (hold down Ctrl and drag the points while in free transform mode). Obtain your selection from the 'Hole' l..