Photoshop Portrait Retouch Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Portrait Retouch
Professional Portrait Retouching Photoshop,31 Images, 1480 words
This tutorial is one that I go over taking a full half hour in realtime in the Discover Photoshop: Retouching DVD but right now I want to show you a few quick things. There's lots of little techniques and fundamentals that you should have in your Pho..

Portrait Retouching for Beginners Photoshop,8 Images, 1627 words
This tutorial shows a couple of simple techniques you can use to enhance your portraits. I will focus on retouching the skin, the eyes, and the teeth (whitening). To follow this tutorial, you must already know some Photoshop basics: working with laye..

Take 10 Years Off a Male Portrait Via Photo Retouching Photoshop,12 Images, 659 words
Traditionally tutorials have always focused on how to retouch female photographs. This is linked with the traditional media conventions of women as sex symbols, who are regrettably objectified as part of daily media. Whilst these conventions are appl..

Professional Portrait Retouching - Removing Dark Circles Photoshop,9 Images, 423 words
In our previous portrait retouching lesson, we looked at the simple task of brightening a subject's eyes. This time, we'll be working on removing the dark circles under your subject's eyes. With the use of some of Photoshop's healing and retouching t..

Portrait Retouching Photoshop,7 Images, 291 words
What makes that 'perfect' model look in magazine photos? The answer is: a) beautiful models with good skin; b) good makeup and c) professional lighting. But very often the final step - retouching and 'digital makeup' done in Photoshop is the most imp..

What Do I Need to Retouch Portraits? Photoshop,2 Images, 608 words
Photoshop Basix, by Adobe Certified Expert and Instructor, Martin Perhiniak includes 25 short video tutorials, around 5 - 10 minutes in length that will teach you all the fundamentals of working with Photoshop. Today's tutorial, Part 17: What Do I Ne..