Photoshop Image Transform Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Image Transform
Amazing Transformation - a Portrait into a Beautiful Artistic Image Photoshop,34 Images, 1000 words
In this "La Belle Femme" tutorial, watch how a simple portrait is transformed into an awesome looking artistic image...with an edge. You will learn how to add lines on the portrait to create eye lashes or strands of hair and how to blend a texture im..

Transform a Sunny Image into a Rainy Grungy Illustration Photoshop,22 Images, 1151 words
Start by downloading this picture from This image is great for the task because it already has a wet floor with puddles, which will make the composition more believable. We need to get rid of the yellows, and give the picture a darker, blue-i..

Transform Normal Portrait Image into Artistic Painting in Photoshop Photoshop,28 Images, 444 words
In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Easily'Transform a Normal Portrait Image into an Artistic Painting.'We will apply several image adjustments, filters, and Pen Tool to achieve this effect. This tutorial is suitable for those who p..

Transform a normal image into an artistic one Photoshop,10 Images, 93 words
pretty cool stuff you have here! I use photoshop as well, but just more amateuristicly... (is that a word'!) anyway, I think your tutorials are very helpful! Thank you! :) I hope you will be able to learn more by reading my tutorials. I'm glad you're..