Photoshop Icon Book Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Icon Book
Create an Open Book Icon In Photoshop Photoshop,115 Images, 6253 words
Most people don't realize how much time and effort goes into creating something like an icon. Icons can take many hours to complete and the techniques used can take a long time to perfect. In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create an open bo..

Create a Leatherback Book Icon using Photoshop Photoshop,17 Images, 448 words
Learn how to create a realistic Leatherback Book Icon using Adobe photoshop. We'll be using the shapes tool, pen tool & Blending Options to create this cool icon. 1. 'Create a new document that's 600 600. Using the Rectangle Tool & draw the book cove..

Book Icon Photoshop,18 Images, 117 words
Start by creating a rectangle using rectangular shape tool. Press Ctrl+T. Right click the layer and select perspective . Adjust nodes to get the shape as shown. Create a rectangle using rectangular shape tool. Press Ctrl+T. Right click the layer and ..

Create a Leatherback Book Icon in Photoshop Photoshop,17 Images, 235 words
Learn how to create this leatherback book design in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to draw a book and apply textures and layer styles. Create a new layer and name it 'book' then grab your pen tool and make the shape of a book Now we add a..

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