Photoshop Holiday Christmas Tree Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Holiday Christmas Tree
Drawing Christmas Trees Photoshop,42 Images, 131 words
Create a new file having 450x470px and 300 dpi. Using the next instrument , outline the zone, like it is demonstrated below, applying the same parameters. Applying the last instrument, it's possible to draw a figure like the next one. Blending Option..

Christmas Tree Photoshop,44 Images, 389 words
Open a new file, having 800 600 px and 72 dpi. Using the instrument , mark out the same zone like it is indicated below, applying the parameters from the next image. Copy the new made layer several times and use Free Transform selection to minimize t..

Christmas tree Photoshop,18 Images, 466 words
Today, you will learn how using brushes, different shapes and Layer styles in Photoshop CS3 to create eye catching Christmas illustration in a few simple steps. Let's get started! Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop w..

Magical Christmas Tree Scene Photoshop,16 Images, 476 words
For this Photoshop effects tutorial, we're going to create a glowing sky aurora behind a Christmas tree with shimmers and? heavenly beams. The first thing we're going to do is use the Marquee Selection Tool and draw a rectangular box over the main tr..

Fresh Christmas Tree Photoshop,13 Images, 228 words
Paint the new made file with the next shown color's code - #06377A and the usual instrument applied in these cases ? Paint Bucket Tool (G). Next we shall create a new layer (Create new layer) and paint it in white color, using the earlier applied too..

Drawing a Christmas Tree Photoshop,5 Images, 362 words
With this tutorial I am going to show you a way to draw a vey simple Christmas tree. 1. Start by creating a new document. Select the "Rectangle Tool" set the color to green and draw a square. (Hold Shift while you draw your square) 2. Press Ctrl+T an..

Christmas Tree Ornaments Photoshop,8 Images, 146 words
I am going to show step by step how to do it. Make a selection with the Eliptical Marquee Tool (M) and fill it with any color. Go to Blending Options (right click on the layer) And add a gradient overlay using the settings: Now create another circle,..

Christmas Tree Photoshop,5 Images, 227 words
It's almost Christmas time and time to send greeting cards to all your friends and relatives. In this tutorial you will learn to make a Christmas tree that you can use on your own Christmas card. Open a new Adobe Photoshop document 400 400 pixels wit..

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