Photoshop Glass Magnetic Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Glass Magnetic
Magnifying Glass Photoshop,14 Images, 110 words
Description: 7) Now press W for the Magic Wand Tool and click in the circle in order to get a new smaller selection then the 'Outercircle'. Make a new Layer called Innercircle and fill your selection with white. Description: 11) Fill the small slecti..

Learn How To Create A Real Magnifying Glass Photoshop,11 Images, 311 words
A real Magnifying Glass i hear you say .? yes, in todays tutorial I'll show you how to create a real magnifying glass which really magnifies your canvas. Simply start off with a screenshot of some sort and place it onto your canvas. I'm using a scree..

Magnifying Glass Photoshop,11 Images, 239 words
Next task we shall see how to represent a magnifying glass, using the instrument. Create a new file with 524x487px and 72 dpi. Draw the glass's shadow of grey color. The color code must be E2E2E2. Then the handle. Set everything out like in the pictu..