PHP Comparison Operators
In this chapter you will learn:
Comparison operators return either true or false, and thus are suitable for use in conditions.
PHP Comparison Operators
Comparison operators in PHP has are listed in the following table.
Operator | Name | Description |
== | Equals | True if $a is equal to $b |
=== | Identical | True if $a is equal to $b and of the same type |
!= | Not equal | True if $a is not equal to $b |
<> | Not equal | True if $a is not equal to $b |
!= = | Not identical | True if $a is not equal to $b or if they are not of the same type |
< | Less than | True if $a is less than $b |
> | Greater than | True if $a is greater than $b |
<= | Less than or equal | True if $a is less than or equal to $b |
>= | Greater than or equal True if $a is greater than or equal to $b |
The === (identical) says two variables are only identical if they hold the same value and if they are the same type, as demonstrated in this code example:
<?PHP//from ja v a 2s .c om
print 12 == 12;
print 12.0 == 12;
print (0 + 12.0) == 12;
print 12 === 12;
print "12" == 12;
print "12" === 12;
The === operator is useful when comparing against false with 0 and empty string.
For example, PHP considers an empty string (""), 0, and false to be equal when used with ==, but using === allows you to make the distinction. For example:
<?PHP/*from j av a2 s . c o m*/
if (0 === true) {
print(" this is true ");
if (0 === false) {
print("this is false ");
Next chapter...
What you will learn in the next chapter: