PHP Arithmetic Operators
In this chapter you will learn:
The arithmetic operators handle basic numerical operations, such as addition and multiplication.
PHP Arithmetic Operators
The full list arithmetic operators in PHP is shown in the following table.
Operator | Meaning | Operation |
+ | Addition | Returns the first value added to the second: $a + $b. |
- | Subtraction | Returned the second value subtracted from the first: $a - $b. |
* | Multiplication | Returns the first value multiplied by the second: $a * $b. |
/ | Division | Returns the first value divided by the second: $a / $b. |
% | Modulus | Divides the first value into the second, then returns the remainder: $a % $b. This only works on integers, and the result will be negative if $a is negative. |
+= | Shorthand addition | Adds the second value to the first: $a += $b. Equivalent to $a = $a + $b. |
-= | Shorthand subtraction | Subtracts the second value from the first: $a -= $b. Equivalent to $a = $a - $b. |
*= | Shorthand multiplication | Multiplies the first value by the second: $a *= $b. Equivalent to $a = $a * $b. |
/= | Shorthand division | Divides the first value into the second: $a /= $b. Equivalent to $a = $a / $b. |
An exponentiation is done via the pow() function. Here are some examples.
<?PHP// ja v a 2 s . com
$a = 13;
$b = 4;
$c = 3.33;
$d = 3.99999999;
$e = -10;
$f = -4;
print $a + $b;
print "\n";
print $a - $c;
print "\n";
print $a * $d;
print "\n";
print $a / $f;
print "\n";
print $e % $b;
The code above generates the following result.
Next chapter...
What you will learn in the next chapter:
- What are incrementing and decrementing operators
- Difference between incrementing and decrementing operators