PHP Tutorial - PHP substr_count() Function


The substr_count() function counts the occurrence of a substring. The substr_count() function is case-sensitive.


PHP substr_count() Function has the following syntax.



ParameterIs RequiredDescription
stringRequired.String to check
substringRequired.String to search for
startOptional.Where in string to start searching
lengthOptional.Length of the search


PHP substr_count() Function returns the the number of times the substring occurs in the string.

Example 1

Count the number of times "world" occurs in the string:

echo substr_count("Hello world. The world is nice","world");
echo "\n";
$myString = "I say, PHP, PHP, and PHP!"; 
echo substr_count( $myString, "PHP" );


The code above generates the following result.

Example 2

Using all parameters:

$str = "This is from Yes it is.";
echo strlen($str)."\n";                 // Using strlen() to return the string length
echo substr_count($str,"is")."\n";      // The number of times "is" occurs in the string
echo substr_count($str,"is",2)."\n";  
echo substr_count($str,"is",3)."\n"; 
echo substr_count($str,"is",3,3)."\n"; 

The code above generates the following result.

Example 3

Overlapped substrings:

$str = "abcabcab"; 
echo substr_count($str,"abcab"); // This function does not count overlapped substrings

The code above generates the following result.

Example 4

If the start and length parameters exceeds the string length, substr_count will output a warning:

echo $str = "This is PHP";

This will output a warning because the length value exceeds the string length (3+9 is greater than 11).

The code above generates the following result.