An array is a normal PHP variable, but we can put other variables inside it. Each variable inside an array is called an element. Each element has a key and a value, which can be any other variable.
PHP supports two types of arrays:
Indexed arrays is arrays where each element is referenced by a numeric index, usually starting from zero. For example, the first element has an index of 0, the second has an index of 1, and so on
PHP has built-in support for arrays, and we can create array using the
$myarray = array(element0, element1, element2,element3,...);
Here is a basic example:
$myarray = array("PHP", "Java", "Python","");
$size = count($myarray);
The code above generates the following result.
On the first line, we create an array, the array()
function takes a list of variables or values as its parameters,
and returns an array containing those variables.
In that example, $myarray
contains three elements.
There are our three values-PHP is at index 0 in the array (signified by [0]=>
Java is at index 1 in the array, and Python is at index 2 in the array.
You can store whatever you like as values in an array, and you can also mix
values. For example: array("Foo", 1, 9.9, "", $somevar)
To print array data inside a string, we have to use braces {}
around the variable.
This next code shows how.
$myarray['foo'] = "bar";
print "This is from an array: {$myarray['foo']}";
The code above generates the following result.
PHP Associative Arrays are array with your own keys.
We can use array() function to create associative array.
$myarray = array("key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2", ....);
The following code creates a PHP associative array to hold the key value pair.
$myarray = array("a"=>"Apple", "b"=>"Bag", "c"=>"Cat");
The code above generates the following result.
PHP converts floating-point numbers to integers in the associative arrays, which essentially rounds them down.
The following PHP code creates an Associative Array with different type of values.
$myBook = array( "title" => "Learn PHP from",
"author" => "",
"pubYear" => 2000 );
This creates an array with three elements: