The localeconv() function returns an array containing local numeric and monetary formatting information.
PHP localeconv() Function has the following syntax.
PHP localeconv() Function returns data based upon the current locale as set by setlocale().
The associative array that is returned contains the following fields:
Array element | Description |
decimal_point | Decimal point character |
thousands_sep | Thousands separator |
grouping | Array containing numeric groupings |
int_curr_symbol | International currency symbol (i.e. USD) |
currency_symbol | Local currency symbol (i.e. $) |
mon_decimal_point | Monetary decimal point character |
mon_thousands_sep | Monetary thousands separator |
mon_grouping | Array containing monetary groupings |
positive_sign | Sign for positive values |
negative_sign | Sign for negative values |
int_frac_digits | International fractional digits |
frac_digits | Local fractional digits |
p_cs_precedes | TRUE if currency_symbol precedes a positive value, FALSE if it succeeds one |
p_sep_by_space | TRUE if a space separates currency_symbol from a positive value, FALSE otherwise |
n_cs_precedes | TRUE if currency_symbol precedes a negative value, FALSE if it succeeds one |
n_sep_by_space | TRUE if a space separates currency_symbol from a negative value, FALSE otherwise |
p_sign_posn |
n_sign_posn |
Find the United States locale numeric formatting information:
$locale_info = localeconv();
The code above generates the following result.