PHP Tutorial - PHP gettimeofday() Function


The gettimeofday() function returns the current time.


PHP gettimeofday() Function has the following syntax.



PHP gettimeofday() Function has the following syntax.

  • return_float - Optional. When set to TRUE, a float instead of an array is returned. Default is FALSE


PHP gettimeofday() Function returns an associative array by default, with the following array keys:

  • [sec] - seconds since the Unix Epoch
  • [usec] - microseconds
  • [minuteswest] - minutes west of Greenwich
  • [dsttime] - type of dst correction

If the return_float parameter is set to true, a float is returned


Return the current time:

// Print the array from gettimeofday()

// Print the float from gettimeofday()
echo gettimeofday(true);

The code above generates the following result.

Example 2

The following code shows how to get number of hours offset from GMT.


$time = gettimeofday();
$GMToffset = $time['minuteswest'] / 60;
echo "Server location is $GMToffset hours west of GMT.";


The code above generates the following result.