PHP Tutorial - PHP array_intersect_uassoc() Function


The array_intersect_uassoc() function compares the keys and values of two or more arrays, and returns the matches by using a user-defined key comparison function.


PHP array_intersect_uassoc() Function has the following syntax.



ParameterIs RequiredDescription
array1Required.Array to be compared with
array2Required.Array to be compared with array1
array3,...Optional.Array to be compared with array1
myfunctionRequired.Function used to do the comparison

myfunction defines a callable comparison function. The comparison function must return an integer <, =, or > than 0 if the first argument is <, =, or > than the second argument.


Intersect associate array with user defined function

<?php/*from w  w w . ja v  a2s  .  c om*/
    function myfunction($a,$b){
        if ($a===$b){
          return 0;
        return ($a>$b)?1:-1;

The code above generates the following result.