Form File upload (input:file)
Description and Syntax
selects all file upload fields (<input type="file">
The following code count the file upload elements.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(){<!--from www. j av a 2 s . co m-->
<input type="button" value="Input Button"/>
<input type="checkbox"></input>
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="file" />
<input type="hidden" />
<input type="image" />
<input type="password" />
<input type="radio" />
<input type="reset" />
<input type="submit" />
<input type="text" />
The code above generates the following result.
Attribute equals ([foo=bar])
Attribute not equal ([foo!=bar])
Attribute begins with ([foo^=bar])
Attribute ends with ([foo$=bar])
Attribute contains ([foo*=bar])
Attribute contains word ([foo~=bar])
Attribute contains prefix ([foo|=bar])
Attribute exists $("[attributeName*='value'...
Form selector
Form input selector (:input)
Form text fields (input:text)
Form Password field (input:password)
Form Radio button (input:radio)
Form Checkbox (input:checkbox)
Form Submit button (input:submit)
Form Image button (input:image)
Form Reset button (input:reset)
Form button (input:button)
Form Disabled form element (input:disabled)
Form Checked box (input:checked)
Form Selected option (input:selected)
Element at index (:eq(n))
Greater than (:gt(n))
Less than (:lt(n))
First (:first)
Last (:last)
Even element (:even)
Odd element (:odd)
parent (:parent)
Contains text (:contains(text))
Contains element (:has(E))
Visible (:visible)
Hidden (:hidden)
Header element (:header)
Currently animating (:animated)
$(this) selector
Attribute equals ([foo=bar])
Attribute not equal ([foo!=bar])
Attribute begins with ([foo^=bar])
Attribute ends with ([foo$=bar])
Attribute contains ([foo*=bar])
Attribute contains word ([foo~=bar])
Attribute contains prefix ([foo|=bar])
Attribute exists $("[attributeName*='value'...
Form selector
Form input selector (:input)
Form text fields (input:text)
Form Password field (input:password)
Form Radio button (input:radio)
Form Checkbox (input:checkbox)
Form Submit button (input:submit)
Form Image button (input:image)
Form Reset button (input:reset)
Form button (input:button)
Form File upload (input:file)
Form Enabled form element (input:enabled)Form Disabled form element (input:disabled)
Form Checked box (input:checked)
Form Selected option (input:selected)
Element at index (:eq(n))
Greater than (:gt(n))
Less than (:lt(n))
First (:first)
Last (:last)
Even element (:even)
Odd element (:odd)
parent (:parent)
Contains text (:contains(text))
Contains element (:has(E))
Visible (:visible)
Hidden (:hidden)
Header element (:header)
Currently animating (:animated)
$(this) selector