Java Tutorial Java Number Formatter


  1. Convert integer to an approximate, but human readable format in Java
  2. Field-width specifier for float point numbers with Formatter in Java
  3. Format 4 decimal places in Java
  4. Format a number in hexadecimal in Java
  5. Format float number to have Left justification in Java
  6. Format symbol %g in Java
  7. Format to 2 decimal places in a 16-character field in Java
  8. Force minimum number of digits to left and right of decimal point in Java
  9. Format a number with "000000.000" in Java
  10. Format a number with "$###,###.###" in Java
  11. Format a number with "\u00a5###,###.###" in Java
  12. Format Decimal as 00E00 in Java
  13. Format decimal as 'abc'# in Java
  14. Format Decimal with 0000000000E0 in Java
  15. Format Decimal with 000000E0 in Java
  16. Format Decimal with 000E00 in Java
  17. Format Decimal with 0.######E0 in Java
  18. Format integer in scientific notation in Java
  19. Format integer numbers with leading zeroes in Java
  20. Format integer with 0.#####E0 in Java
  21. Format numbers with leading zeroes in Java
  22. Format number #.000000 in Java
  23. Format number as a currency in Java
  24. Format number to use percentage in Java
  25. Format number with ##00 in Java
  26. Format number with 0.######E0 in Java
  27. Format number with abc# in Java
  28. Format number with ##E0 (exponent must be multiple of 2) in Java
  29. Format number with ###E0 (exponent must be multiple of 3) in Java
  30. Format number with .###### in Java
  31. Limit the number of decimal digits by specifying the precision in Java
  32. Set format to two decimal places: set Maximum Fraction Digits in Java
  33. Set format to two decimal places: set Minimum Fraction Digits in Java
  34. The number of #'s to the left of the decimal point sets the multiple of the exponent in Java


  1. Change the decimal separator to "." in Java
  2. Customize Decimal/Grouping Separator for decimal format in Java
  3. Use 0 symbol to show a digit or 0 if no digit present in Java
  4. Use , symbol to group numbers in Java
  5. Use . symbol to indicate the decimal point in Java
  6. Use ' symbol to quote literal symbols in Java
  7. Use ; symbol to specify an alternate pattern for negative values in Java


  1. Format number to group with #,###,### in Java
  2. Use group separators and show trailing zeroes in Java


  1. Custom decimal format with different locales in Java
  2. Format a number based on Locale in Java
  3. Format a number using the current Locale() in Java

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Java Formatter
Java Number Formatter