HTML Tag Reference - HTML tag <address>

<address> renders text in italics and marks the author of the web content.

The <address> element inside the <body> element represents contact information for the document.

The <address> element inside an <article> element represents contact information for that article.

Browser compatibility

<address> Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

What's new in HTML5

<article> element is new in HTML5. The <address> element inside an <article> element represents contact information for that article.

Global Attributes

The <address> tag supports the Global Attributes in HTML.

Event Attributes

The <address> tag supports the Event Attributes in HTML.

Default CSS Settings

address { 
    display: block;
    font-style: italic;


A demo showing how to use address tag.

     <address style="color: blue">Main Street.</address>
     <address style="color: red">Los Angeles, CA 99999.</address>

Click to view the demo