CSS Property outline-style

outline-style sets the style for the overall border of an element.


Initial value none
Inherited No.
Version CSS2
JavaScript syntax object.style.outlineStyle="dotted"
Applies to All elements.

CSS Syntax

outline-style: dashed | 
               dotted | 
               double | 
               groove | 
               inset | 
               none | 
               outset |   
               ridge | 
               solid | 

Property Values

The property values are listed in the following table.

Value Description
none no outline
hidden hidden outline
dotted dotted outline
dashed dashed outline
solid solid outline
double double outliner
groove 3D grooved outline which depends on the outline-color value
ridge 3D ridged outline which depends on the outline-color value
inset 3D inset outline which depends on the outline-color value
outset 3D outset outline which depends on the outline-color value
inherit Inherit the outline style from the parent element

Browser compatibility

outline-style Yes 8.0 Yes Yes Yes


An example showing how to use outline-style CSS property.

<!DOCTYPE html>
p{<!--from   ww w.  j  a  v  a  2 s  .  co m-->
    border:1px solid red;


Click to view the demo