C# Tutorial Text Field


  1. Append the specified string to the end of a file in CSharp
  2. Append the string to the file with encoding in CSharp
  3. Append to a text file in CSharp
  4. Open a stream to append to a text file in CSharp


  1. Create a text file in CSharp
  2. Create text file and write string to it in CSharp


  1. Read a text file using Encoding.UTF8 in CSharp
  2. Read a text file with LINQ in CSharp
  3. Read all lines from a text file in CSharp
  4. Read from a text file one byte at a time in CSharp
  5. Read from a text one buffer at a time in CSharp
  6. Read text file line by line in CSharp
  7. Read text from a URL in CSharp
  8. Read the entire text file in CSharp


  1. Read text file into byte array, and write byte array to another file in CSharp
  2. Write a portion of an array to text file in CSharp
  3. Write and read string with StringReader and StringWriter in CSharp
  4. Write byte to a text file in CSharp
  5. Write decimal and character to a text file in CSharp
  6. Write encoded byte array to text file in CSharp
  7. Write formated string to a text file in CSharp
  8. Write lines to a text file in CSharp
  9. Write string to a text file in CSharp
  10. Write to console with TextWriter in CSharp


  1. Replace file contents in CSharp

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File Attribute
File Security
Directory Attribute
Directory Recursive
Binary File
Text Field
Buffered IO
Create Copy Delete Move
File System Watcher
Isolated Storage