C# Tutorial ArrayList


  1. Add an object to the end of the ArrayList in CSharp
  2. Add the elements of an ICollection to the end of the ArrayList in CSharp


  1. Check if the ArrayList has a fixed size in CSharp
  2. Check if the ArrayList is read-only in CSharp
  3. Check whether an element is contained in the ArrayList in CSharp
  4. Compare two ArrayList for equal in CSharp
  5. Get an enumerator from a range of elements in the ArrayList in CSharp
  6. Get an enumerator from in entire ArrayList in CSharp
  7. Get or set the element at the specified index in CSharp
  8. Get or set the number of elements that the ArrayList can contain in CSharp
  9. Get sub range from an ArrayList in CSharp
  10. Get the number of elements actually contained in the ArrayList in CSharp
  11. Lock a ArrayList in CSharp
  12. Return a read-only ArrayList wrapper in CSharp
  13. Return an ArrayList whose elements are copies of the specified value in CSharp
  14. Return an ArrayList wrapper that is synchronized (thread safe) in CSharp
  15. Set the capacity to the actual number of elements in the ArrayList in CSharp
  16. Synchronize an ArrayList in CSharp
  17. Use an enumerator to loop through an ArrayList in CSharp
  18. Use the Item property explicitly to assign values to items in the list in CSharp


  1. Convert ArrayList to Array in CSharp
  2. Convert ArrayList to Array of the specified element type in CSharp


  1. Copy ArrayList to Array, starting at specific index of the target array in CSharp
  2. Copy ArrayList to Array, starting at the beginning of the target array in CSharp
  3. Copy a collection to a range of elements in the ArrayList in CSharp
  4. Copy sub ArrayList to Array, starting at specific index of the target array in CSharp
  5. Create a shallow copy(clone) of the ArrayList in CSharp


  1. Create a fix-sized ArrayList from an existing ArrayList in CSharp
  2. Create an ArrayList from another ArrayList in CSharp
  3. Create an ArrayList that is empty and has the default initial capacity in CSharp
  4. Create an ArrayList that is empty and has the specified initial capacity in CSharp


  1. Insert an element into the ArrayList at the specified index in CSharp
  2. Insert the elements of a collection into the ArrayList at the specified index in CSharp


  1. Remove a range of elements from the ArrayList in CSharp
  2. Remove all elements from the ArrayList in CSharp
  3. Remove the element at the specified index of the ArrayList in CSharp
  4. Remove the first occurrence of a specific object from the ArrayList in CSharp


  1. Reverse the order of the elements in the entire ArrayList in CSharp
  2. Reverses a sub range ArrayList in CSharp
  1. Search ArrayList with custom comparer and returns the zero-based index of the element in CSharp
  2. Search Object and returns index of the last occurrence within the ArrayList in CSharp
  3. Search Object and returns index of the last occurrence within the offset of the ArrayList in CSharp
  4. Search Object and returns index of the last occurrence within the sub range in the ArrayList in CSharp
  5. Search Object in an ArrayList with offset in CSharp
  6. Search Object within a sub range from a ArrayList in CSharp
  7. Search a range of elements in the sorted ArrayList with custom comparer and returns the zero-based index of the element in CSharp
  8. Search an Object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire ArrayList in CSharp
  9. Search sorted ArrayList using the specified comparer and returns the zero-based index of the element in CSharp


  1. Sort a list of customized objects in CSharp
  2. Sort the elements in a range of elements in ArrayList using the specified comparer in CSharp
  3. Sort the elements in the ArrayList using the specified comparer in CSharp
  4. Sort the elements in the entire ArrayList in CSharp

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