Creating Elements with Simple Content and Attributes : simpleContent « XML Schema « XML Tutorial

When declaring an element that has simple content, you start with a basic element declaration: 

<element name="phone"> 
    <!-- Specify type here --> 

Within the element declaration, you include a <complexType> declaration in which you specify that you want your element to have simple content. 
You do this by creating a <complexType> declaration that contains a <simpleContent> element. 
The <simpleContent> element indicates that the <complexType> cannot contain child elements. 
It may contain attributes, but otherwise the content will be defined by a simple type.

<element name="phone"> 
            <!-- Specify type here --> 

Within the <simpleContent> element, you can create an <extension> declaration. 
You must use an <extension> declaration because you will be extending an existing data type by adding attribute declarations. 

<element name="phone">
      <extension base="string">
        <attribute name="kind" type="string" default="Home" />

Any of the following examples are allowable <phone>elements based on the previous declaration: 

<phone kind="Home">001-909-555-1212</phone> 
<phone />

3.54.1.The simpleContent element is used if the complex type may only have text content
3.54.2.Defining Elements to Contain Only Text
3.54.3.Creating Elements with Simple Content and Attributes
3.54.4.element based on simple type
3.54.5.As simple content models