One Class implements two interfaces : Interface « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System

     Interface Printable
         Sub Read( )
         Sub Write(ByVal obj As Object)
         Property Status( ) As Integer
     End Interface 'Printable

     Interface Zippable
         Sub Zip( )
         Sub Unzip( )
     End Interface

     Public Class Document
         Implements Zippable, Printable

         Public Sub New(ByVal s As String)
             Console.WriteLine("Creating document with: {0}", s)
         End Sub 'New

         Public Sub Read( ) Implements Printable.Read
             Console.WriteLine("Implementing the Read Method for Printable")
         End Sub 'Read

         Public Sub Write(ByVal o As Object) Implements Printable.Write
             Console.WriteLine( _
               "Implementing the Write Method for Printable")
         End Sub 'Write

    Public Property Status( ) As Integer Implements Printable.Status
                 Return myStatus
             End Get
             Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                 myStatus = Value
             End Set
         End Property

         Public Sub Zip( ) Implements Zippable.Zip
             Console.WriteLine("Implementing Zip")
         End Sub

         Public Sub Unzip( ) Implements Zippable.Unzip
             Console.WriteLine("Implementing Unzip")
         End Sub

         Private myStatus As Integer = 0
     End Class 

     Class Tester
         Shared Sub Main( )
             Dim doc As New Document("Test Document")
             doc.Status = -1
             doc.Read( )
             doc.Zip( )
             Console.WriteLine("Document Status: {0}", doc.Status)
         End Sub 'Main
     End Class
Creating document with: Test Document
Implementing the Read Method for Printable
Implementing Zip
Document Status: -1

6.44.1.Implement Interface
6.44.2.Interface with two methods
6.44.3.One Class implements two interfaces
6.44.4.Interface Inherits Interface
6.44.5.Interface with Property
6.44.6.Inheritance And Interfaces
6.44.7.Reimplement interface
6.44.8.Public Sub aMethod() Implements Interface1.Method, Interface2.Method
6.44.9.Two classes implement one interface
6.44.10.Implements two interfaces and WriteOnly Property