Two classes implement one interface : Interface « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

public class Test
   public Shared Sub Main
        Dim rect As New Rectangle()
        Dim trap As New Trapezoid()
   End Sub

End class

Public Interface IShape
    Function Draw() As String
End Interface
Public Class Rectangle
    Implements IShape
    Public Function Draw() As String Implements IShape.Draw
        Return "Drawing Rectangle"
    End Function
End Class
Public Class Trapezoid
    Implements IShape
    Public Function Draw() As String Implements IShape.Draw
        Return "Drawing Trapezoid"
    End Function
End Class

6.44.1.Implement Interface
6.44.2.Interface with two methods
6.44.3.One Class implements two interfaces
6.44.4.Interface Inherits Interface
6.44.5.Interface with Property
6.44.6.Inheritance And Interfaces
6.44.7.Reimplement interface
6.44.8.Public Sub aMethod() Implements Interface1.Method, Interface2.Method
6.44.9.Two classes implement one interface
6.44.10.Implements two interfaces and WriteOnly Property