Class with a constructor to initialize its member field value : Class Definition « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Module YourClassTest
   Sub Main()
      Dim obj1 As New YourClass("AAA")
      Dim obj2 As New YourClass("BBB")

   End Sub ' Main
End Module

Public Class YourClass
   Private yourNameValue As String ' course name for this YourClass

   ' constructor initializes course name with String supplied as argument
   Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
      YourName = name ' initialize yourNameValue via property
   End Sub ' New

   ' property YourName
   Public Property YourName() As String
      Get ' retrieve yourNameValue
         Return yourNameValue
      End Get

      Set(ByVal value As String) ' set yourNameValue
         yourNameValue = value ' store the course name in the object
      End Set
   End Property ' YourName

   Public Sub DisplayMessage()
      Console.WriteLine("Welcome to " & YourName & "!")
   End Sub ' DisplayMessage
End Class ' YourClass

6.11.Class Definition
6.11.1.Class with a constructor to initialize its member field value
6.11.2.Define class
6.11.3.Define your own Time Class
6.11.4.Class declaration with a method that has a parameter
6.11.5.Class that contains instance variable and a property to get and set its value
6.11.6.Implement an interface
6.11.7.One class implements two interfaces 1
6.11.8.Overrides equals
6.11.9.Overrides ToString
6.11.10.Structure and Class assignment: by reference or by value