Module YourClassTest
Sub Main()
Dim obj As New YourClass
Console.WriteLine("Initial course name is: " & obj.YourName & vbCrLf)
obj.YourName = "new Name"
End Sub ' Mains
End Module
Public Class YourClass
Private yourNameValue As String ' course name for this YourClass
' property YourName
Public Property YourName() As String
Get ' retrieve yourNameValue
Return yourNameValue
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String) ' set yourNameValue
yourNameValue = value ' store the course name in the object
End Set
End Property ' YourName
' display a welcome message to the YourClass user
Public Sub DisplayMessage()
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to " & YourName & "!")
End Sub ' DisplayMessage
End Class
Initial course name is:
Welcome to new Name!