Insert sub string by index : String « Data Type « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System

 Class Tester
     Public Shared Sub Main( )
         Dim s1 As String = "abcd"
         Dim s2 As String = "ABCD"
         Dim s3 As String = "AAAAs "
         s3 = s3 & "development"

         Dim s5 As String = String.Copy(s2) '
         Console.WriteLine("s5 copied from s2: {0}", s5)

         Console.WriteLine("String s3 is {0} characters long. ",s5.Length)

         Console.WriteLine("s3: {0}", s3)
         ' hold the location of provides as an integer
         Dim location As Integer = s3.IndexOf("a")

         Dim s10 As String = s3.Insert(location, "u")
         Console.WriteLine("s10: {0}", s10)

     End Sub 'Main
 End Class 'Tester
s5 copied from s2: ABCD
String s3 is 4 characters long.
s3: AAAAs development

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negativ
e and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: startIndex
   at System.String.Insert(Int32 startIndex, String value)
   at Tester.Main()

2.26.1.Declare String Variable and assign value
2.26.3.Demonstrating String class constructors
2.26.4.Join string
2.26.5.Copy characters from string1 into character Array
2.26.6.String Length property
2.26.7.Demonstrating method GetHashCode of class String
2.26.8.Insert sub string by index
2.26.9.Insert method returns the resulting string
2.26.11.Get string morse code
2.26.12.String operation timing
2.26.13.Change tab to space
2.26.15.Catch Exception for String.Substring
2.26.16.Count Vowels
2.26.17.Reverse a string
2.26.18.Make a reference copy
2.26.19.Check a Credit card number
2.26.20.Read String value from Keyboard