Demonstrating String class constructors : String « Data Type « VB.Net Tutorial

Module Tester

   Sub Main()
      Dim characterArray As Char()
      Dim quotes As Char = ChrW(34)
      Dim originalString, string1, string2, string3, string4 As String

      characterArray = New Char() {"A"c, "B"c, "C"c, "D"c, "E"c, "F"c, " "c, "G"c, "H"c}

      originalString = "test"
      string1 = originalString
      string2 = New String(characterArray)
      string3 = New String(characterArray, 6, 3)
      string4 = New String("C"c, 5)

      Console.WriteLine("string2 = " & string2 )
      Console.WriteLine("string3 = " & string3 )
      Console.WriteLine("string4 = " & string4 )

   End Sub ' Main

End Module
string2 = ABCDEF GH
string3 =  GH
string4 = CCCCC

2.26.1.Declare String Variable and assign value
2.26.3.Demonstrating String class constructors
2.26.4.Join string
2.26.5.Copy characters from string1 into character Array
2.26.6.String Length property
2.26.7.Demonstrating method GetHashCode of class String
2.26.8.Insert sub string by index
2.26.9.Insert method returns the resulting string
2.26.11.Get string morse code
2.26.12.String operation timing
2.26.13.Change tab to space
2.26.15.Catch Exception for String.Substring
2.26.16.Count Vowels
2.26.17.Reverse a string
2.26.18.Make a reference copy
2.26.19.Check a Credit card number
2.26.20.Read String value from Keyboard