Operator Description
!= not equal
!> not greater than
!< not less than
< less than
<= less than or equal
<> not being equal
= equality between two expressions
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
ALL In subquery, if all retrieved values satisfy the search condition, the rows will be retrieved.
ANY In subquery, if any retrieved values satisfy the search condition, the rows will be retrieved.
BETWEEN Designates an inclusive range of values. Used with the AND clause between the beginning and ending values.
CONTAINS Does a search for words and phrases.
ESCAPE Escape from the pattern.
EXISTS When used with a subquery, EXISTS tests for the existence of rows in the subquery.
FREETEXT Searches character-based data for words using meaning, rather than literal values.
IN Provides an inclusive list of values for the search condition.
IS NOT NULL if the value is NOT null.
IS NULL whether the value is null.
LIKE pattern matching.
NOT BETWEEN Specifies a range of values NOT to include.
NOT IN Provides a list of values for which NOT to return rows for.
NOT LIKE Tests character string, excluding those with pattern matches.
SOME If any retrieved values satisfy the search condition, the rows will be retrieved.