A SELECT statement that uses the CHAR function to format output : Query Select « Query « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

7> create table Bankers(
8>    BankerID             Integer,
9>    BankerName           VARCHAR(20),
10>    BankerContactLName   VARCHAR(20),
11>    BankerContactFName   VARCHAR(20),
12>    BankerCity           VARCHAR(20),
13>    BankerState          VARCHAR(20),
14>    BankerZipCode        VARCHAR(20),
15>    BankerPhone          VARCHAR(20)
16> )
17> GO
2> insert into Bankers values (1, 'ABC Inc.','Joe','Smith','Vancouver','BC','11111','111-111-1111');
3> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (2, 'DEF Inc.','Red','Rice', 'New York', 'DE','22222','222-222-2222');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (3, 'HJI Inc.','Kit','Cat',  'Paris',    'CA','33333','333-333-3333');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (4, 'QWE Inc.','Git','Black','Regina',   'ER','44444','444-444-4444');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (5, 'RTY Inc.','Wil','Lee',  'Toronto',  'YU','55555','555-555-5555');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (6, 'YUI Inc.','Ted','Larry','Calgary',  'TY','66666','666-666-6666');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (7, 'OIP Inc.','Yam','Act',  'San Franc','FG','77777','777-777-7777');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (8, 'SAD Inc.','Hit','Eat',  'Orland',   'PO','88888','888-888-8888');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (9, 'DFG Inc.','Sad','Lee',  'Wisler',   'PL','99999','999-999-9999');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Bankers values (0, 'GHJ Inc.','Bit','Lee',  'Ticker',   'MN','00000','000-000-0000');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
3> SELECT BankerName + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
4>      + BankerCity + ', ' + BankerState + ' ' + BankerZipCode
5> FROM Bankers
6> WHERE BankerID = 1
7> GO

ABC Inc.
Vancouver, BC 11111

(1 rows affected)
3> drop table Bankers;
4> GO

1.1.Query Select
1.1.1.The basic syntax of the SELECT statement
1.1.2.The operators you can use in a search condition
1.1.3.Both uppercase and lowercase statements are acceptable, a query could be written as follows:
1.1.4.Operator Precedence
1.1.5.asterisk (*) specifies all columns of the named tables in the FROM clause
1.1.6.A SELECT statement that retrieves rows with non-zero values
1.1.7.A SELECT statement that retrieves two columns and a calculated value for a specific Billing
1.1.8.retrieve specific columns
1.1.9.A SELECT statement that retrieves three columns from each row, sorted in descending sequence by Billing total
1.1.10.A SELECT statement that returns an empty result set
1.1.11.SELECT 1.0 + 3.0 / 4.0 -- Returns 1.75
1.1.12.SELECT (1.0 + 3.0) / 4.0 -- Returns 1.00
1.1.13.The specification column_name [as] column_heading
1.1.14.Table alias
1.1.15.add a WHERE clause and group by
1.1.16.A SELECT statement that uses the CHAR function to format output
1.1.17.Use local variable in a select statement
1.1.18.Using SELECT to Create a Script