Order by « Query « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

1.3.Order by
1.3.1.The expanded syntax of the ORDER BY clause
1.3.2.ORDER BY Clause: ORDER BY {[col_name | col_number [ASC | DESC]]}, ...
1.3.3.Sorting your grouped results with ORDER BY clause.
1.3.4.An ORDER BY clause that sorts by one column in descending sequence
1.3.5.the order criterion may contain more than one column.
1.3.6.An ORDER BY clause that sorts by three columns
1.3.7.An ORDER BY clause that uses an alias
1.3.8.An ORDER BY clause that uses an expression
1.3.9.An ORDER BY clause that uses column positions

1.3.10.Sorting your grouped results by an aggregate.
1.3.11.NULLs Sort Last
1.3.12.order criterion contains any aggregate function.
1.3.13.Order by not null date
1.3.14.Using the TOP keyword with Ordered Results
1.3.15.do our sorting using numeric fields
1.3.16.use CAST function to sort during ordering