output a form with action : HTP « System Packages « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE webProc_with_param_form
  2  IS
  3  BEGIN
  4    htp.p('<HTML>');
  5    htp.p('<HEAD>');
  6    htp.p('<TITLE>Organization Records</TITLE>');
  7    htp.p('</HEAD>');
  8    htp.p('<BODY>');
  9    htp.p('<H1>Organization Records</H1>');
 10    htp.p('<P>Press the <b>Run </b>button.</P>');
 11    htp.p('<FORM method="get" action="">');
 12    htp.p('<P>Hrc Code
 13      <INPUT type="text" name="ip_product_id" maxlength="4" size="4">
 14      </P>');
 15    htp.p('<P>
 16      <INPUT type="submit" value="Run">
 17      </P>');
 18    htp.p('</FORM>');
 19    htp.p('</BODY>');
 20    htp.p('</HTML>');
 21  end;
 22  /

Procedure created.


31.37.1.Create HTML List tags
31.37.2.Display table names in user_tables in HTML format with HTP.PRINT
31.37.3.Use HTP package to create HTML page structure
31.37.4.HTP.PRINT with to_char method
31.37.5.Using HTP.PRINT and HTF.BR to output a HTML
31.37.6.Build query form with HTP
31.37.7.Display employee in HTML format using HTP package
31.37.8.Output a html table
31.37.9.Display records in a HTML table
31.37.10.Display records in a HTML table with parameters
31.37.11.output a form with action