Join sys.col$ and user_objects : user_objects « System Tables Data Dictionary « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> create or replace type address_type as object
  2  ( city    varchar2(30),
  3    street  varchar2(30),
  4    state   varchar2(2),
  5    zip     number
  6  )
  7  /

SQL> create or replace type person_type as object
  2  ( name             varchar2(30),
  3    dob              date,
  4    home_address     address_type,
  5    work_address     address_type
  6  )
  7  /

Type created.

SQL> create table people of person_type
  2  /

Table created.

SQL> desc people
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 NAME                                               VARCHAR2(30)
 DOB                                                DATE
 HOME_ADDRESS                                       ADDRESS_TYPE
 WORK_ADDRESS                                       ADDRESS_TYPE

SQL> select * from people;

no rows selected

SQL> select name, from people p;

no rows selected

SQL> select name, segcollength from sys.col$
  2  where obj# = ( select object_id from user_objects where object_name = 'PEOPLE' )
  3  /

NAME                           SEGCOLLENGTH
------------------------------ ------------
SYS_NC_OID$                              16
SYS_NC_ROWINFO$                           1
NAME                                     30
DOB                                       7
HOME_ADDRESS                              1
SYS_NC00006$                             30
SYS_NC00007$                             30
SYS_NC00008$                              2
SYS_NC00009$                             22
WORK_ADDRESS                              1
SYS_NC00011$                             30
SYS_NC00012$                             30
SYS_NC00013$                              2
SYS_NC00014$                             22

14 rows selected.

SQL> drop table people;

Table dropped.


30.90.1.Check user_objects for object name
30.90.2.Check the package status in user_objects
30.90.3.Check function/procedure status
30.90.4.Check the status for all stored procedures is by using the Oracle data dictionary view USER_OBJECTS
30.90.5.Get invalid table objects by joining user_segments and user_objects
30.90.6.Get all invalid user objects in user_objects table
30.90.7.Create drop command by query the user_objects table
30.90.8.Create grant permission command by querying user_objects table
30.90.9.Query user_objects for all packages, procedures and functions
30.90.10.Query user_objects for user-defined data type
30.90.11.Recompile all invalid package
30.90.12.Query user_objects for all java classes
30.90.13.Query user_objects for all PL/SQL code
30.90.14.Get Object id from user_objects
30.90.15.Join sys.col$ and user_objects
30.90.16.Query user_objects for object status
30.90.17.Query user_objects for your functions and procedures
30.90.18.User and its average object id
30.90.19.Show the procedure is marked invalid **
30.90.20.Behavior of dependent objects.
30.90.21.Finding, Validating, and Describing Packages
30.90.22.If procedure is valid