Get the script of a certain view : all_views « System Tables Data Dictionary « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> set long
SQL> select text
  2        from all_views
  3       where view_name = 'USER_TABLES';
 set pagesize 1000

select, decode(bitand(, 2151678048), 0,, null),
       decode(bitand(, 1024), 0, null,,
       decode((bitand(, 512)+bitand(t.flags, 536870912)),
              0, null,,
       decode(bitand(t.trigflag, 1073741824), 1073741824, 'UNUSABLE', 'VALID'),
       decode(bitand(, 32+64), 0, mod(t.pctfree$, 100), 64, 0, null),
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL),
          decode(bitand(, 32+64), 0, t.pctused$, 64, 0, null)),
       decode(bitand(, 32), 0, t.initrans, null),
       decode(bitand(, 32), 0, t.maxtrans, null),
       s.iniexts * ts.blocksize,
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL),
                                      s.extsize * ts.blocksize),
       s.minexts, s.maxexts,
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL),
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL),
         decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 1, decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists))),
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL),
         decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 1, decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups))),
       decode(bitand(, 32+64), 0,
                decode(bitand(t.flags, 32), 0, 'YES', 'NO'), null),
       decode(bitand(t.flags,1), 0, 'Y', 1, 'N', '?'),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.blkcnt, null),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.empcnt, null),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.avgspc, null),
       t.chncnt, t.avgrln, t.avgspc_flb,
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.flbcnt, null),
       lpad(decode(, 32767, 'DEFAULT', nvl(,1)),10),
       lpad(decode(t.instances, 32767, 'DEFAULT', nvl(t.instances,1)),10),
       lpad(decode(bitand(t.flags, 8), 8, 'Y', 'N'),5),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 6), 0, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       t.samplesize, t.analyzetime,
       decode(bitand(, 32), 32, 'YES', 'NO'),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 64, 'IOT',
               decode(bitand(, 512), 512, 'IOT_OVERFLOW',
               decode(bitand(t.flags, 536870912), 536870912, 'IOT_MAPPING', null
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 0, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N'),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 16), 0, 'N', 16, 'Y', 'N'),
       decode(bitand(, 8192), 8192, 'YES',
              decode(bitand(, 1), 0, 'NO', 'YES')),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 'DEFAULT',
             decode(s.cachehint, 0, 'DEFAULT', 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'RECYCLE', NULL)),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 131072), 131072, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 512), 0, 'NO', 'YES'),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 256), 0, 'NO', 'YES'),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 0, NULL,
           decode(bitand(, 8388608), 8388608,
                  'SYS$SESSION', 'SYS$TRANSACTION')),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 1024), 1024, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 'NO',
           decode(bitand(, 2147483648), 2147483648, 'NO',
              decode(ksppcv.ksppstvl, 'TRUE', 'YES', 'NO'))),
       decode(bitand(, 1024), 0, null,,
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 8388608), 8388608, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       decode(bitand(, 32), 32, null,
                decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2048), 2048, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED')),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 128), 128, 'YES', 'NO')
from sys.ts$ ts, sys.seg$ s, sys.obj$ co,$ t, sys.obj$ o,
     sys.obj$ cx, sys.user$ cu, x$ksppcv ksppcv, x$ksppi ksppi
where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID')
  and o.obj# = t.obj#
  and bitand(, 1) = 0
  and bitand(o.flags, 128) = 0
  and t.bobj# = co.obj# (+)
  and t.ts# = ts.ts#
  and t.file# = s.file# (+)
  and t.block# = s.block# (+)
  and t.ts# = s.ts# (+)
  and t.dataobj# = cx.obj# (+)
  and cx.owner# = cu.user# (+)
  and ksppi.indx = ksppcv.indx
  and ksppi.ksppinm = '_dml_monitoring_enabled'

SQL> set long 10000
SQL>  /

select, decode(bitand(, 2151678048), 0,, null),
       decode(bitand(, 1024), 0, null,,
       decode((bitand(, 512)+bitand(t.flags, 536870912)),
              0, null,,
       decode(bitand(t.trigflag, 1073741824), 1073741824, 'UNUSABLE', 'VALID'),
       decode(bitand(, 32+64), 0, mod(t.pctfree$, 100), 64, 0, null),
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL),
          decode(bitand(, 32+64), 0, t.pctused$, 64, 0, null)),
       decode(bitand(, 32), 0, t.initrans, null),
       decode(bitand(, 32), 0, t.maxtrans, null),
       s.iniexts * ts.blocksize,
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL),
                                      s.extsize * ts.blocksize),
       s.minexts, s.maxexts,
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL),
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL),
         decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 1, decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists))),
       decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL),
         decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 1, decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups))),
       decode(bitand(, 32+64), 0,
                decode(bitand(t.flags, 32), 0, 'YES', 'NO'), null),
       decode(bitand(t.flags,1), 0, 'Y', 1, 'N', '?'),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.blkcnt, null),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.empcnt, null),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.avgspc, null),
       t.chncnt, t.avgrln, t.avgspc_flb,
       decode(bitand(, 64), 0, t.flbcnt, null),
       lpad(decode(, 32767, 'DEFAULT', nvl(,1)),10),
       lpad(decode(t.instances, 32767, 'DEFAULT', nvl(t.instances,1)),10),
       lpad(decode(bitand(t.flags, 8), 8, 'Y', 'N'),5),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 6), 0, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       t.samplesize, t.analyzetime,
       decode(bitand(, 32), 32, 'YES', 'NO'),
       decode(bitand(, 64), 64, 'IOT',
               decode(bitand(, 512), 512, 'IOT_OVERFLOW',
               decode(bitand(t.flags, 536870912), 536870912, 'IOT_MAPPING', null
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 0, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N'),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 16), 0, 'N', 16, 'Y', 'N'),
       decode(bitand(, 8192), 8192, 'YES',
              decode(bitand(, 1), 0, 'NO', 'YES')),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 'DEFAULT',
             decode(s.cachehint, 0, 'DEFAULT', 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'RECYCLE', NULL)),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 131072), 131072, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 512), 0, 'NO', 'YES'),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 256), 0, 'NO', 'YES'),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 0, NULL,
           decode(bitand(, 8388608), 8388608,
                  'SYS$SESSION', 'SYS$TRANSACTION')),
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 1024), 1024, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 2), 2, 'NO',
           decode(bitand(, 2147483648), 2147483648, 'NO',
              decode(ksppcv.ksppstvl, 'TRUE', 'YES', 'NO'))),
       decode(bitand(, 1024), 0, null,,
       decode(bitand(t.flags, 8388608), 8388608, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
       decode(bitand(, 32), 32, null,
                decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2048), 2048, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED')),
       decode(bitand(o.flags, 128), 128, 'YES', 'NO')
from sys.ts$ ts, sys.seg$ s, sys.obj$ co,$ t, sys.obj$ o,
     sys.obj$ cx, sys.user$ cu, x$ksppcv ksppcv, x$ksppi ksppi
where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID')
  and o.obj# = t.obj#
  and bitand(, 1) = 0
  and bitand(o.flags, 128) = 0
  and t.bobj# = co.obj# (+)
  and t.ts# = ts.ts#
  and t.file# = s.file# (+)
  and t.block# = s.block# (+)
  and t.ts# = s.ts# (+)
  and t.dataobj# = cx.obj# (+)
  and cx.owner# = cu.user# (+)
  and ksppi.indx = ksppcv.indx
  and ksppi.ksppinm = '_dml_monitoring_enabled'


30.21.1.Get information on all the indexes you have access to using all_views
30.21.2.Get the script of a certain view