SQLPLUS commands. : Introduction « SQL PLUS Session Environment « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

Command              Description

!                    Executes a single host level command (UNIX, NT)

$                    Executes a single host level command (OpenVMS)

&(1-n)               Substitutes the user inputted variable in position n here

&user_variable       Substitutes the user variable here (will prompt for variable if not previously defined or ACCEPTed

. (period)           Ends a substitution variable

/                    Executes previous SQL command or terminates PL/SQL routine entry

@                    On login, used to specify database alias as part of user/password@alias, or, used to automatically start an external routine as a part of user/password@alias @routine, or used to GET and RUN a SQL script if used form the command line in SQLPLUS

ACCEPT               Asks for a user variable usually used like: ACCEPT variable PROMPT Prompt string for variable

APPEND               Appends to the current line in the buffer. This can be shortened to just A or a.

ATTRIBUTE            Specifies the display characteristics of a given attribute for an Object Type column, such as the format for NUMBER data. This command can also list current display characteristics for a single attribute or for all attributes of an Object Type.

BREAK                Specifies BREAK values for a report output

BTITLE               Specifies a report bottom title

CHANGE               Replaces specific characters or phrases in the current buffer line. This can be shortened to just C or c.

CLEAR                Clears definitions such as COLUMN, BREAK or COMPUTE definitions; also used to clear the screen or the buffer area

COLUMN               Sets column formats; can specify HEADING, FORMAT, WORD_WRAP, JUSTIFY, and other column related format issues

COMPUTE              Sets computed values such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, on BREAK values

CONNECT              Connects to a different database or user

COPY                 Copies values from one table to another or one database to another; can be used for LONG datatypes

DEFINE               Defines variables used in SQL routines

DEL                  Deletes the current line, a specified single (1n) line or group (x y z) of lines, or a specified range (xy) of lines from the buffer

DISCONNECT           Disconnects from the current database without exiting SQLPLUS; issues an implicit COMMIT

EDIT (ED)            Invokes the default system editor for the lines contained in the SQL bufferusually Notepad on NT, vi on UNIX, and edt on OpenVMS

EXECUTE              Executes a single PL/SQL procedure or function call

EXIT                 Exits the SQLPLUS executable; issues an implicit COMMIT

GET                  Gets the specified external file and places it in the buffer without execution of the file

HOST                 Forks out to the HOST system until an EXIT is issued at the HOST level

INPUT (I)            Inputs one line of text at the current location in the SQL buffer

LIST (L)             Lists the contents of the SQL buffer

PASSWORD             Allows change of the user password without echoing it to the terminal

PAUSE                Pauses execution until the Enter key is pressed

PRINT                Prints the specified variable value to the screen

PROMPT               Prompts with the specified text; expects an Enter key stroke to terminate PROMPT

REMARK (REM)         Sets remarks in a SQL script; can also use a double dash

REPFOOTER            Set a report footer

REPHEADER            Used to specify a report header

RUN                  Runs the contents of the SQL buffer

SAVE                 Saves the contents of the SQL buffer to a file

SET                  Sets various environmental variables such as LINESIZE (width of page), PAGESIZE (number of lines), ECHO (echo all commands to screen), VERIFY (verify substitutions of variables), and FEEDBACK (give messages such as line counts and successful executions)

SPOOL                Specifies the output file for script or command output

START                Loads and runs a SQL script (identical to the @ command)

STORE                Saves the attributes of the current SQLPLUS session in an OS file

TIMING               Sets timing on or off for SQL command execution timing

TTITLE               Sets a top-title for output

UNDEFINE             Undefines a variable

VARIABLE             Ses up a variable definition

WHENEVER SQLERROR|   Processes errors in the SQL or OS environmentOSERROR 


29.1.1.SQL*Plus is a tool for interfacing with the Oracle database.
29.1.2.SQLPLUS commands.