Using INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER : Associative Arrays « Collections « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

There is a way of using a FOR loop with the associative arrays INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER

SQL> declare
  2      type dept_rty is record(id number, extra_tx VARCHAR2(2000));
  3      type dept_aa is table of dept_rty index by binary_integer;
  4      v_dept_aa dept_aa;
  5  begin
  6    v_dept_aa(10).id :=10;
  7    v_dept_aa(20).id :=20;
  9    for i in v_dept_aa.first..v_dept_aa.last loop
 10      if v_dept_aa.exists(i) then
 11          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(v_dept_aa(i).id);
 12      end if;
 13    end loop;
 14  end;
 15  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


26.7.Associative Arrays
26.7.1.Associative Arrays demo
26.7.2.Associative arrays (index-by tables)
26.7.3.PL/SQL Table
26.7.4.Index by string
26.7.5.Nested Table with Table row elements inside
26.7.6.Assign value to PL/SQL table
26.7.8.Clear the salaries table by assigning the empty version to it
26.7.9.Place some values into the salaries table
26.7.10.PL/SQL table of cursor
26.7.11.Select data into PL/SQL table of cursor
26.7.12.Use For loop to output data in a PL/SQL table of cursor
26.7.13.Use for all loop to loop through the PL/SQL table
26.7.14.Change PL/SQL table element by index
26.7.15.Insert data in PL/SQL table to a real table
26.7.16.The COUNT Table Attribute
26.7.17.Uses the COUNT method to display the number of rows contained in an index-by table
26.7.18.The DELETE Table Attribute
26.7.19.The EXISTS Table Attribute
26.7.20.FIRST and LAST Table Attributes
26.7.21.NEXT and PRIOR Table Attributes
26.7.23.Indexing Associative Arrays