Defining an Index-by table of records : Table of Record « Collections « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

  2    TYPE hrc_company_rec IS RECORD
  3      (hrc_company_id NUMBER,
  4       product_description VARCHAR2(20),
  5       company_short_name VARCHAR2(30));
  7    TYPE hrc_company IS TABLE OF hrc_company_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
  9    v_example_tab hrc_company;
 10  BEGIN
 11    /*Do some processing */
 12    null;
 13  END;
 14  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

26.24.Table of Record
26.24.1.Table collection of records
26.24.2.Defining an Index-by table of records
26.24.3.Bulk DML with table of records
26.24.4.An anonymous PL/SQL procedure to demonstrate the use of PL/SQL records