FOR year_number IN 1800..1995: define variable for a range type : For LOOP « PL SQL Statements « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> set serveroutput on size 500000
  3    <<year_loop>>
  4    FOR year_number IN 1800..1995
  5    LOOP
  7      <<month_loop>>
  8      FOR month_number IN 1 .. 12
  9      LOOP
 10        IF year_loop.year_number = 1900
 11        THEN
 12          dbms_output.put_line('The '||month_number||'th month of '||year_number);
 13        END IF;
 15      END LOOP month_loop;
 17    END LOOP year_loop;
 19  END;
 20  /
The 1th month of 1900
The 2th month of 1900
The 3th month of 1900
The 4th month of 1900
The 5th month of 1900
The 6th month of 1900
The 7th month of 1900
The 8th month of 1900
The 9th month of 1900
The 10th month of 1900
The 11th month of 1900
The 12th month of 1900

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


22.4.For LOOP
22.4.1.FOR Loops
22.4.2.FOR LOOP with loop counter
22.4.3.Nested FOR LOOP with Labels
22.4.4.Nested FOR loop counter
22.4.5.Nested three level LOOP
22.4.6.Reversed FOR LOOP
22.4.7.The upper or lower bounds of the FOR loop can be defined as variables or functions.
22.4.8.Nested IF statement in For loop
22.4.9.Use FOR LOOP to loop through dates
22.4.10.EXIT a FOR LOOP with exit command
22.4.11.FOR Loop Scoping Rules
22.4.12.FOR Loop Ranges
22.4.13.LOOP with Labels
22.4.14.A complete example if uisng the cursor variable using a cursor FOR LOOP
22.4.15.FOR year_number IN 1800..1995: define variable for a range type
22.4.16.Drop any objects to make script re-runnable: for in
22.4.17.For loop variable in a range of numbers
22.4.18.Reversed loop
22.4.19.variable-delimitted loop
22.4.20.EXPLAIN PLAN FOR select statement