FLOOR(x) gets the largest integer less than or equal to x. : FLOOR « Numerical Math Functions « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

The following example uses FLOOR() to display the absolute value of 5.8 and -5.2, respectively:

SQL> SELECT FLOOR(5.8), FLOOR(-5.2) FROM dual;

FLOOR(5.8) FLOOR(-5.2)
---------- -----------
         5          -6


14.12.1.FLOOR(x) gets the largest integer less than or equal to x.
14.12.2.Use FLOOR function to get the flooring value
14.12.3.FLOOR for negative value
14.12.6.select round(345.678), ceil(345.678), floor(345.678)
14.12.7.Use floor to get the number of weeks
14.12.8.Use floor and mod to get the number of days