Compare substring in where statement : SUBSTR « Character String Functions « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

  2  (employee_id         NUMBER(7),
  3   last_name           VARCHAR2(25),
  4   first_name          VARCHAR2(25),
  5   userid              VARCHAR2(8),
  6   start_date          DATE,
  7   comments            VARCHAR2(255),
  8   manager_id          NUMBER(7),
  9   title               VARCHAR2(25),
 10   department_id       NUMBER(7),
 11   salary              NUMBER(11, 2),
 12   commission_pct      NUMBER(4, 2)
 13  );

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, 'V', 'Ben', 'cv',to_date('03-MAR-90 8:30', 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi'),NULL, NULL, 'PRESIDENT', 50, 2500, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, 'N', 'Haidy', 'ln', '08-MAR-90', NULL,1, 'VP, OPERATIONS', 41, 1450, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, 'N', 'Molly', 'mn', '17-JUN-91',NULL, 1, 'VP, SALES', 31, 1400, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, 'S', 'Mark', 'mq', '07-APR-90',NULL, 1, 'VP, FINANCE', 10, 1450, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, 'R', 'AUDRY', 'ar', '04-MAR-90',NULL, 1, 'VP, ADMINISTRATION', 50, 1550, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, 'U', 'MOLLY', 'mu', '18-JAN-91',NULL, 2, 'WAREHOUSE MANAGER', 41, 1200, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, 'M', 'ROBERTA', 'rm', '14-MAY-90',NULL, 2, 'WAREHOUSE MANAGER', 41, 1250, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, 'B', 'BEN', 'ry', '07-APR-90', NULL, 2,'WAREHOUSE MANAGER', 41, 1100, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (9, 'C', 'Jane', 'ac', '09-FEB-92',NULL, 2, 'WAREHOUSE MANAGER', 41, 1300, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO employee VALUES (10, 'H', 'Mart', 'mh', '27-FEB-91', NULL, 2,'WAREHOUSE MANAGER', 41, 1307, NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> SELECT last_name, first_name
  2  FROM   employee
  3  WHERE  substr(employee_id,1,5) = 76031;

no rows selected

SQL> drop table employee;

Table dropped.


11.18.1.The SUBSTR Function
11.18.2.substr(,) and substr(,,)
11.18.3.SUBSTR(x, start [, length]) returns a substring of x that begins at the position specified by start.
11.18.4.Substr retrieves a portion of the string
11.18.5.Retrieval begins at position 5 and again goes for 12 characters
11.18.6.A retrieval with no third argument: it starts at begin and retrieves the rest of the string
11.18.7.If begin is negative, then retrieval occurs from the right-hand side of original string
11.18.8.SUBSTR and INSTR used together
11.18.9.Combine SUBSTR and INSTR to deal with a table column
11.18.10.Combine DECODE and SUBSTR together
11.18.11.Example SELECT output using SUBSTR().
11.18.12.substr birthday
11.18.13.Compare substring in where statement
11.18.14.Manipulating Strings: SUBSTR and concatenation
11.18.15.substr(date value,8)+16