Math calculation in select statement : Select clause « Query Select « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> SELECT 2 + 3 * 4   AS "2+3*4",
  2         (2 + 3) * 4 AS "(2+3)*4",
  3         6 / 2 * 3   AS "6/2*3",
  4         6 / (2 * 3) AS "6/(2*3)" from dual;

     2+3*4    (2+3)*4      6/2*3    6/(2*3)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        14         20          9          1

2.2.Select clause
2.2.1.Performing Single Table SELECT Statements
2.2.2.Select employee first and last and sort by last name
2.2.3.List single column from a table
2.2.4.Use as to specify the alias name
2.2.5.Use function in select clause
2.2.6.Use more than one aggregate functions in a select statement
2.2.7.where clause
2.2.8.Compare with number
2.2.9.Concatenate string
2.2.10.Select from a Subquery
2.2.11.Select constant as a column
2.2.12.Negate a column value
2.2.13.Math calculation in select statement
2.2.14.Search for String Across Columns
2.2.15.Don't Perform the Same Calculation Over and Over
2.2.16.NO_INDEX function in select statement