Saving a Document : Document Save « Editing « Microsoft Office Word 2007 Tutorial

When you save a document for the first time or if you want to save a copy of a file, 
          use the Save As command.
When you save a document for the first time or if you want to save a copy of a file, use the Save As command.
When you want to save an open document, 
          use the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar.
When you want to save an open document, use the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar.
When you save a document, Word 2007 saves 97-2003 files in an older format using compatibility mode, 
          and saves new 2007 files in an XML (Extensible Markup Language) based file format.

2.5.Document Save
2.5.1.Word 2007 Save File Formats
2.5.2.Saving a DocumentSaving a Document
2.5.3.Save a Document for Word 2007Save a Document for Word 2007
2.5.4.Checking CompatibilityChecking Compatibility
2.5.5.Change Compatibility OptionsChange Compatibility Options
2.5.6.Customizing Word to maximize compatibilityCustomizing Word to maximize compatibility
2.5.7.Making a different document format the default document type: Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)Making a different document format the default document type: Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)
2.5.8.Set Save Options: Choose Default Save FormatSet Save Options: Choose Default Save Format
2.5.9.Set Save Options: Set Default File LocationSet Save Options: Set Default File Location
2.5.10.Delete or rename a file in a dialog boxDelete or rename a file in a dialog box
2.5.11.Move or copy a file in a dialog boxMove or copy a file in a dialog box
2.5.12.Export a File to Another Program FormatExport a File to Another Program Format
2.5.13.Import a FileImport a File