Get form button : Form Button « jQuery « JavaScript Tutorial

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            var input = $(":button");

    <input type="button" />


30.120.Form Button
30.120.1.Bind click action to button
30.120.2.Get form button
30.120.3.Get disabled button
30.120.4.Disables buttons greater than the 1st button.
30.120.5.Can bind and unbind events to the button.
30.120.6.On click, replace the button with a div containing the same word.
30.120.7.Create a button that's able to clone itself - and have the clones themselves be clonable.
30.120.8.Add action to button with ID
30.120.9.Use index to get the clicked button index