30.135.DIV |
| 30.135.1. | Append to DIV |
| 30.135.2. | Change DIV background |
| 30.135.3. | Click to add border |
| 30.135.4. | Click to change DIV tag color |
| 30.135.5. | Set DIV color |
| 30.135.6. | Get text from paragraph and set to DIV |
| 30.135.7. | Fade div to a random opacity on each click, completing the animation within 200 milliseconds. |
| 30.135.8. | Animates all divs to slide down and show themselves over 600 milliseconds. |
| 30.135.9. | Animates divs between dividers with a toggle that makes some appear and some disappear. |
| 30.135.10. | Sets id for divs based on the position in the page. |
| 30.135.11. | Bind a single click that adds the div id to its text. |
| 30.135.12. | Add html to div then do further manipulations to the inserted html. |
| 30.135.13. | Turn the div with index 2 blue by adding an appropriate class. |
| 30.135.14. | Change the color of all divs then put a border around only some of them. |
| 30.135.15. | Change the color of all divs then put a border two specific ones. |
| 30.135.16. | Adds a border to divs that are not green |
| 30.135.17. | Finds all divs adds all paragraphs |
| 30.135.18. | Find all children of each div. |
| 30.135.19. | Locate all the divs after the first and give them a class. |
| 30.135.20. | Tie a one-time click to each div. |
| 30.135.21. | Hides the divs when clicked over 2 seconds, then removes the div element when its hidden. |
| 30.135.22. | To set the width of each div on click to 30px plus a color change. |
| 30.135.23. | To set the height of each div on click to 30px plus a color change. |
| 30.135.24. | Wrap a jQuery object div around all of the paragraphs |
| 30.135.25. | Animates all hidden divs to show fastly in order |
| 30.135.26. | Hides the divs when clicked, then removes the div element when its hidden. |
| 30.135.27. | Creates a div element (and all of its contents) dynamically, and appends it to the body element. |