Output a frameset through document.write : frameset « HTML Tags « JavaScript Tutorial

<script language="JavaScript" type = "text/javascript">
var frame_URL;
if (location.search)
    frame_URL = location.search.substring(1);
else {
     frame_URL = "http://www.java2s.com";

 document.write("<frameset rows = '20%, 80%'>")
 document.write("  <frame src='http://www.java2s.com'>")
 document.write("<frame src='" + frame_URL + "'>")
 document.write("  </frameset>")

21.8.1.Output a frameset through document.write
21.8.2.Change frame location(URL)
21.8.3.Reference the top frame
21.8.4.Reference the parent frame
21.8.5.Nested framesets
21.8.6.Change two frames in a frame set
21.8.7.Reference element in frameset