Parent Code for Window Example : Introduction « Window « JavaScript Tutorial

    <TITLE> Window Example - Parent</TITLE>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
    function openWin(){
      childWin=open("child.htm", "ChildWin", "toolbar,scrollbars,menubar,status,innerwidth=250,innerheight=350");
    function sendToChild(){
      childWin.document.childForm.childText.value = document.parentForm.parenttext.value;
    // End Hide-->
    <B>Window Example - Parent Window</B>
    <FORM NAME="parentForm">
    Click on the Button below to open a Child window:
    <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="submit" VALUE="Open Child Window" onclick="openWin()">
    <TR><TD ALIGN=left>
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="parenttext" size=45></TD>
    <TD ALIGN=left>
    <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="submit" VALUE="Send To Child" onclick="sendToChild()">
    <TR><TD ALIGN=left>
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="received" size=45></TD>
    <TD ALIGN=left>
    This text comes from the child.

Child Window Code for Window Example


    <TITLE> Window Example - Child</TITLE>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
    function sendToParent(){
      window.opener.document.parentForm.received.value = document.childForm.sendText.value;
    <B>Window Example - Child window</B>
    <FORM NAME="childForm">
    <TR><TD ALIGN=left>
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sendText" size=45></TD>
    <TD ALIGN=left>
    <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="submit" VALUE="Send Text" onclick="sendToParent()">
    <TR><TD ALIGN=left>
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="childText" size=45>
    <TD ALIGN=left>
    Text Received from Parent:

19.1.1.Windows in Action
19.1.2.Creating Windows
19.1.3.Parent Code for Window Example
19.1.4.Window Object Properties Array