This example uses more complex event handlers and the zEvent object : zEvents « Event « JavaScript Tutorial

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 * JavaScript zEvents Library
 * Version 1.1
 * by Nicholas C. Zakas,
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nicholas C. Zakas. All Rights Reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

 * Encapsulates information about an event.
 * @scope public
 * @class
function zEvent() {

     * The type of event.
     * @scope public
    this.type /*: String */   = null;
     * The object that caused the event.
     * @scope public
     */ /*: zEventTarget */ = null;
     * A secondary object related to the event.
     * @scope public
    this.relatedTarget /*: zEventTarget */ = null;
     * Indicates whether or not the event can be canceled.
     * @scope public
    this.cancelable /*: boolean */ = false;
     * The time that the event occurred.
     * @scope public
    this.timeStamp /*: long */ = null;
     * Set to false to cancel event.
     * @scope public
    this.returnValue /*: boolean */ = true;    

 * Initializes the event object with information for the event.
 * @scope public
 * @param sType The type of event encapsulated by the object.
 * @param bCancelable True if the event can be cancelled.
zEvent.prototype.initEvent = function (sType /*: String */,
                                       bCancelable /*: boolean */) {
    this.type = sType;
    this.cancelable = bCancelable;
    this.timeStamp = (new Date()).getTime();

 * Prevents the default behavior for an event.
 * @scope public
zEvent.prototype.preventDefault = function () {
    if (this.cancelable) {
        this.returnValue = false;

 * Any class that wants to support events should inherit from this.
 * @class
 * @scope public
function zEventTarget() {

     * Array of event handlers.
     * @scope private
    this.eventhandlers /*: Object */ = new Object();

 * Adds an event listener function to handle the type of event.
 * @scope public
 * @param sType The type of event to handle (i.e., "mousemove", not "onmousemove").
 * @param fnListener The listener function for the event.
zEventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (sType /*: String */,
                                                    fnListener /*: Function */) {
    if (typeof this.eventhandlers[sType] == "undefined") {
        this.eventhandlers[sType] = new Array;
    this.eventhandlers[sType][this.eventhandlers[sType].length] = fnListener;                                                    

 * Causes an event to fire.
 * @scope public
 * @param oEvent The event object containing information about the event to fire.
 * @return True if the event should continue, false if not.
zEventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (oEvent /*: zEvent */) /*: boolean */ {

     * Set the target of the event.
     */ = this;

     * Call each event handler and pass in the event object.
    if (typeof this.eventhandlers[oEvent.type] != "undefined") {
        for (var i=0; i < this.eventhandlers[oEvent.type].length; i++) {    

     * Return the value of returnValue, which is changed to false
     * when preventDefault() is called.
    return oEvent.returnValue;                                                   

 * Removes an event listener function from handling the type of event.
 * @scope public
 * @param sType The type of event to remove from (i.e., "mousemove", not "onmousemove").
 * @param fnListener The listener function to remove.
zEventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function (sType /*: String */,
                                                       fnListener /*: Function */) {
    if (typeof this.eventhandlers[sType] != "undefined") {
        var arrTemp = new Array;
        for (var i=0; i < this.eventhandlers[sType].length; i++) {
            if (this.eventhandlers[sType][i] != fnListener) {
                arrTemp[arrTemp.length] = this.eventhandlers[sType][i];
        this.eventhandlers[sType] = arrTemp;
        <script type="text/javascript">
//sample class
function Car() {

    //inherit properties from zEventTarget

    //property indicating if the car is running
    this.running = false;

//inherit methods from zEventTarget
Car.prototype = new zEventTarget();

//method to start engine
Car.prototype.start = function () {

    //create event object
    var oEvent = new zEvent();

    //the event is called "start" and is cancelable
    oEvent.initEvent("start", true);

    //fire the event
    if (this.dispatchEvent(oEvent)) {

       //if dispatchEvent() returns true, set the flag
       this.running = true;


//method to stop engine
Car.prototype.stop = function () {

    //create event object
    var oEvent = new zEvent();

    //the event is called "stop" and is cancelable
    oEvent.initEvent("stop", true);

    //fire the event
    if (this.dispatchEvent(oEvent)) {

        //if dispatchEvent() returns true, set the flag
        this.running = false;

        <script type="text/javascript">
           //sample object
           var oCar = new Car();
           //assign event handler for "start" event
           oCar.addEventListener("start", function(oEvent) {
               alert("Event name: " + oEvent.type);
               alert("Event can be cancelled: " + oEvent.cancelable);
        <script type="text/javascript">
            //call the start() method
        <P>This example uses more complex event handlers and the <code>zEvent</code>

15.11.1.This example uses simple event handlers to alert you when the start() and stop() methods are called
15.11.2.This example uses more complex event handlers and the zEvent object
15.11.3.The preventDefault() method from zEvent is used to prevent the running flag from being set to true