Inline DOM Event Registration : Event Handler « Event « JavaScript Tutorial

<title>Inline DOM Event Registration</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function helloMsg() {
    var helloString = "hello there";

function helloTwice() {
    var helloString = "hi again";

<body onload="helloMsg();">

15.12.Event Handler
15.12.1.Add event handler listener to document
15.12.2.Preventing Bubble and Capture
15.12.3.Register mouse down event(IE)
15.12.4.Event Handlers and this
15.12.5.Event Bubbling (Firefox)
15.12.6.Capturing events
15.12.7.Add event listener to form
15.12.8.Add event listener to elements in a form
15.12.9.Bubble up events (Firefox)
15.12.10.Inline DOM Event Registration