Use Math.round to calculate area : round « Math « JavaScript Tutorial

<title>A Simple Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function calcArea()
    inpRadius = 3;
    alert(Math.round(Math.PI * ((inpRadius)*(inpRadius))));

function calcPeri()
    inpRadius = 3;
    alert(Math.round(2 * Math.PI * (inpRadius)));

function calcVol()
    inpRadius = 3;
    alert(Math.round(Math.PI * ((inpRadius)*(inpRadius)*(inpRadius)) * (4/3)));
//  -->
<h1>All about Circles and Spheres!</h1>
<P>Click <input type="button" value="HERE" onclick="calcArea();"> to calculate circle area!</p>
<P>Click <input type="button" value="HERE" onclick="calcPeri();"> to calculate circle perimeter!</p>
<P>Click <input type="button" value="HERE" onclick="calcVol();"> to calculate sphere volume!</p>

9.22.2.Rounding a number to an integer
9.22.3.Use Math.round to calculate area