Calculation in function : Function Definition « Function « JavaScript Tutorial

<title>A Simple Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function inputCels()
    var cels = 100;
    ansFah = doFahCalc(cels);
    alert(cels + " Degrees Celsius is " + ansFah + " Degrees Fahrenheit");

function inputFah()
    var fah = 100;
    ansCel = doCelCalc(fah);
    alert(fah + " Degrees Fahrenheit is " + ansCel + " Degrees Celsius");

function doCelCalc(fah)
    var ans = ((Number(fah) - 32) / 1.8);
    return (ans);

function doFahCalc(cels)
    var ans = ((1.8 * Number(cels)) + 32);
    return (ans);
//  -->
<input type="button" value="Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit" onClick="inputCels();">
<input type="button" value="Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius" onClick="inputFah();">

7.1.Function Definition
7.1.2.Define the simplest function
7.1.3.Define a function
7.1.4.Calculation in function
7.1.5.Recursive function