The Undefined Type : Introduction « Number Data Type « JavaScript Tutorial

The Undefined type has only one value, undefined.

When a variable is declared and not initialized, it is given the value of undefined by default.

var oTemp;
alert(oTemp == undefined);

You can also use the typeof operator to show that the variable has a value of undefined.

var oTemp;
alert(typeof oTemp);

A variable having the value of undefined is different from a value being undefined.

The typeof operator doesn't distinguish between the two.

var oTemp;

alert(typeof oTemp);    //outputs "undefined"
alert(typeof oTemp2);   //outputs "undefined"

If you try to use oTemp2 with any operator other than typeof, it causes an error.

alert(oTemp2 == undefined);   //causes error

The value undefined is also returned when a function doesn't explicitly return a value:

function testFunc() {
  //leave the function blank
alert(testFunc() == undefined);    //outputs "true"

5.1.2.Number() Object
5.1.3.Variables are loosely typed.
5.1.4.Built-in Values
5.1.5.Special Numerical Values
5.1.6.Primitive and Reference Values
5.1.7.Primitive Types
5.1.8.The Undefined Type
5.1.9.The Null Type
5.1.10.The Boolean Type
5.1.11.The Number Type
5.1.12.Number.MAX_VALUE and Number.MIN_VALUE define the outer bounds of the Number value set
5.1.13.NaN stands for Not a Number
5.1.14.JavaScript primitive values, Booleans, numbers, and strings, are pseudo-objects
5.1.15.Reference Types