14.80.JFrame Window |
| 14.80.1. | Creating a Window | ![Creating a Window](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/CreatingAWindow.PNG) |
| 14.80.2. | Display a JFrame instance | ![Display a JFrame instance](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/JFramePack.PNG) |
| 14.80.3. | Resizing and positioning a JFrame | ![Resizing and positioning a JFrame](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/ResizingPositioningJFrame.PNG) |
| 14.80.4. | Constants for JFrame window close action | ![Constants for JFrame window close action](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/SimplestFrame.PNG) |
| 14.80.5. | Sizing Windows with Toolkit | ![Sizing Windows with Toolkit](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/SizingWindowswithToolkit.PNG) |
| 14.80.6. | Centering a Window | ![Centering a Window](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/CenteringaWindow.PNG) |
| 14.80.7. | Extending JFrame: Closing Frames by Default | ![Extending JFrame: Closing Frames by Default](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/ExitableJFrameTest.PNG) |
| 14.80.8. | Exiting an Application When a JFrame Is Closed |
| 14.80.9. | JFrame with Label and Window Listener to Handle Closing the Frame | ![JFrame with Label and Window Listener to Handle Closing the Frame](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/TJFrame.PNG) |
| 14.80.10. | Handling JFrame Events |
| 14.80.11. | Specifying Window Decorations | ![Specifying Window Decorations](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/FrameDemo2.PNG) |
| 14.80.12. | Set Default window close operation |
| 14.80.13. | SetIconImages for JFrame |
| 14.80.14. | Creating a Titleless and Borderless JFrame |
| 14.80.15. | Close a JFrame under condition |
| 14.80.16. | Creating a Borderless Window |
| 14.80.17. | Creating Frames with a background image |
| 14.80.18. | Setting the Icon for a Frame |
| 14.80.19. | Getting All Created Frames in an Application |
| 14.80.20. | Removing the Title Bar of a Frame |
| 14.80.21. | Making a Frame Non-Resizable: use setResizable(false) to freeze a frame's size. |
| 14.80.22. | Use Component listener to ensure frame visibilities |
| 14.80.23. | Drag and move a frame from its content area |
| 14.80.24. | Disabling the Close Button on a JFrame |
| 14.80.25. | Maximize a JFrame |
| 14.80.26. | Make a JFrame always visible |
| 14.80.27. | Preventing a Window from Gaining the Focus |
| 14.80.28. | Getting the Child Components of a Container |
| 14.80.29. | Get Top Frame |
| 14.80.30. | Make a JInternalFrame a tool window |
| 14.80.31. | Move JInternalFrame To Front |